
An HIV Update for PCA Clinical Coordinators


An HIV Update for PCA Clinical Coordinators


As of July 30, 2015, the National HIV/AIDS Strategy has been revised and refreshed with goals through 2020, and once again, health centers play a significant role in achieving the national vision of reducing HIV infections with high-quality, coordinated, patient-centered care for people living with HIV.

The Denver Prevention Training Center (Denver PTC) has partnered with the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC), with funding from CDC, to provide no-cost HIV prevention capacity building services to healthcare organizations across the country to increase High Impact HIV Prevention strategies. The Denver PTC and NACHC can work together with Primary Care Associations (PCAs), health center controlled networks, and health centers to assess and improve current HIV prevention services based on organization goals for HIV services.

Building off of our Winter 2015 Office Hours series, “HIV for PCAs” , the following information and resources can help you and your member health centers prepare to play a role in this national vision. And, as always, NACHC is here to help, anytime.

Click on the buttons for more information about each topic.


NHAS Button PREP Button
FTCC Button UDS Button