NNPTC National Coordination Center

The Denver PTC is proud to serve as the Coordination Center for the National Network of STI Clinical Prevention Training Centers (NNPTC). As the National Coordination Center, the Denver PTC supports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as the NNPTC’s eight regional training centers with communication, planning, marketing, clinic consultation, and evaluation efforts.

Serving Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas.

The Denver PTC is proud to be part of the National Network of STD Clinical Preveention Training Centers (NNPTC)

What We Offer

Serving as the NNPTC Coordination Center, the Denver PTC provides:

Communication Support

  • Coordinates and facilitates network meetings and communication
  • Supports NNPTC Co-chairs and CDC on strategic directions for the NNPTC
  • Creates monthly newsletters for internal communication
  • Manages the internal NNPTC resource sharing site
  • Serves as liaison for public inquiries

Planning Support:

  • Developes and tracks annual goals, timelines, and milestones
  • Facilitates network-wide strategic planning
  • Coordinates annual grantee meeting

Marketing Support:

  • Develops and distributes NNPTC quarterly external partner/audience newsletter
  • Manages and maintains NNPTC website
  • Oversees marketing efforts for the NNPTC
  • Provides conference booth coordination and staffing

Clinical Training and Event Management Support:

  • Develops and maintains a custom learning management system (LMS) managing hundreds of training events for thousands of healthcare professionals each year.
  • Develops and manages regular LMS upgrades with new features and functionality
  • Develops and implements CDC OMB-approved forms in LMS
  • Provides data collection, evaluation, and reporting to regional centers and CDC

Clinical Consultation Support:

  • Facilitates the Sexual Transmitted Disease Clinical Consultation Network (STDCCN) providing expert clinical consultation on the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and management of STD/STI’s to healthcare providers around the United States.
  • Reports consultation data and trends to NNPTC and CDC

Evaluation Support:

  • Produces and analyzes annual network needs assessments
  • Facilitates NNPTC Evaluation Committee with CDC
  • Manages data collection, cleaning, and submission to CDC

Team Members

Brea Ford


Senior Evaluator

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Brea Ford

Senior Evaluator

Brea Ford (she/her/hers) leads the efforts to provide the network of prevention training centers with evaluation data to communicate the benefits of the programs provided. She is also committed to using evaluation techniques to enhance the effectiveness and equity among the courses provided by our centers. Brea graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Public Health from Indiana University with a passion for sexual health education.

Outside of work, Brea is a fan of Don Miguel Luiz and has a deep appreciation for his book The 4 Agreements. She enjoys iced chai lattes, listening to financial and self-love podcast, connecting with people, and traveling to enjoy new experiences. One strongly held belief she has is to always live in gratitude. Gratitude in the smallest ways can carry you through anything! Stay beautiful people!

Destiny Kelley


NPTC3 Manager

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Destiny Kelley

NPTC3 Manager

Destiny Kelley (she/her/hers) provides organization, coordination, and communication dissemination between the National Network of STD Clinical Prevention Training Centers (NNPTC) and the CDC. She also represents Denver Health (the Denver Prevention Training Center’s parent organization) in numerous community organizations and events to promote health equity and the importance of STD screening and treatment. Her favorite part of the job is traveling and meeting all the people she works with around the country.

If not working, you can find Destiny gardening, sewing, hosting, or hiking the Rocky Mountains with her rescue pup, Koda.

John Fitch


Denver PTC Consultant

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John Fitch

Denver PTC Consultant

John Fitch (he/him/his) assists with Denver PTC’s grants, grant opportunities, and websites. During his thirty (plus) years in the HIV and STD fields, he's had an interest in integrating technology into programs in creative ways. Aside from developing and managing a half dozen sexual health-related websites. John co-founded the National Sexual Health Conference and helped to facilitate the development of the STD Clinical Consultation Network (STDCCN). He’s done some other innovative things, but they’re a bit boring to read about.

Outside of work, John is currently a sports chauffeur, driving his kids to and from basketball and soccer practice.

Helen Burnside


DPTC Director

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Helen Burnside

DPTC Director

Helen Burnside (she/her/hers) is honored to provide programmatic oversight of the Denver Prevention Training Center’s training and technical assistance programs and guidance to its program managers. Helen started her second career with a master’s degree in Community Health after reading Paul Farmer’s Mountains Beyond Mountains in Bolivia and has focused her work on HIV and STI prevention ever since. Helen is committed to advancing racial equity in health systems and believes that we can end the HIV epidemic by creating brave spaces for communities and healthcare providers to plan prevention strategies. She enjoys the people and the dynamic, changing nature of her work. Helen appreciates that she can solve complex problems by talking to her backyard bees, or hiking in the Flatirons, and still dreams of being a backup singer in a female jazz band.
